Parallel CLI Curl
running requests faster
When running a list of requests, that are embarrassingly parallel, I find it easy to keep it in bash and some GNU Parallel.
To demonstrate, I'm going to use httpbingo from
@mccutchen. To simulate some slow responses, im
going to use the /delay/:n
endpoint which simulates response delays from 0 to
10 seconds.
I'd also recommend the usage docs from the GNU Parallel manual, they are very detailed on the multitude of ways to feed and use it to make your scripts parallel. I'm going to start by making a list of random endpoints with delays between 1 and 10 seconds and loading that to a file.
for i in $(seq $count)
x=$(shuf -i 1-10 -n 1)
printf "\n" $x >> urls.txt
Back to the cli to execute:
sudo chmod +x && ./
which makes urls.txt
And now we have an input file to feed to gnu parallel via ::::
parallel 'curl -fsSl {}' :::: urls.txt
So, it's time to single file this. Our application does two things in sequence: generate a file with urls to target, and then curling those urls. Putting it into bash functions looks like:
#!/usr/bin/env nix-shell
#!nix-shell --pure -i bash -p bash parallel curl jq cacert
#!nix-shell -I nixpkgs=
generate_files() {
rm -f ./urls.txt
for i in $(seq "$count")
x=$(shuf -i 1-10 -n 1)
printf "\n" "$x" >> urls.txt
send_requests() {
curl -fsSL "$1" | jq .data
export -f send_requests
# Use 10 workers (child processes) to send requests across
parallel -j 10 'send_requests {}' :::: urls.txt
In the next post, I'm going to show how to get some tracing added to this script, including using some observability tools with otel-cli. Stay tuned!